Cadena 3
LV3 was part of the privatization process of radio licenses carried out by Carlos Menem after he had taken office as Argentina’s president in 1989. A year later, in 1990, a bid was awarded to a group of businessmen (Gustavo Defilippi, from the world of finance; Carlos Ferla, the most successful attorney in Córdoba; Gustavo Roggio; the Bischoff family, related to the management of car company Fiat; and the journalists Mario Pereyra and José “Rony” Vargas from San Juan) to purchase the radio station. With contributions made by Córdoba’s establishment, the radio station began to lead the market.
Before leaving office, Carlos Menem awarded Radiodifusora del Centro S.A. six radio licenses across the country, including an FM radio station in the city of Buenos Aires. This is how Cadena 3 became the second largest radio station network in the country, after Radio Nacional.
It currently features three FM radio stations in the city of Córdoba (one of them retransmits AM LV3’s programming). Cadena 3 owns another nine radio stations in Córdoba that retransmit the network's content. At a national level, it has 21 radio stations (some of which are owned by Cadena 3) that retransmit the network’s content in 13 provinces.
Their programming is informative and includes historically successful programs, such as those of Marcelo Pereyra and “Rony” Vargas, two of the radio’s shareholders.
Audience Share
Ownership Type
Geographic Coverage
Content Type
Free content
Media Companies / Groups
Cadena 3
Ownership Structure
Radiodifusora del Centro S.A., whose main shareholder is Gustavo Defilippi. The remaining shareholders are journalists and radio hosts Mario Pereyra and José Vargas.
Individual Owner
General Information
Founding Year
Affiliated Interests Founder
In spite of being private since 1990, it was one of the first State-owned radio stations. Its first name was LV3 Radio Buenos Aires – Córdoba.
Affiliated Interests Ceo
He is a businessman from the world of finance and a member of the Córdoba province’s Stock Market. He is currently one of the owners of the finance company Grupo del Plata from Córdoba.
Carlos María Molina
Affiliated Interests Editor-In-Chief
Affiliated Interests other important people
Two journalists from the province of San Juan that accepted to be part of the corporation that won the tender to purchase LV3 when the radio station was privatized. Before the purchase, they hosted programs at LV2 and LV3 in Córdoba, after their success in San Juan. Today they are leading hosts in Cadena 3 in Córdoba. Each one of the ownes 16% of the media outlet
Gral. Alvear 139, city of Córdoba
TE: (54 0351) 526 0597
Financial Information
Revenue (in Mill. $)
Operating Profit (in Mill. $)
Advertising (in % of total funding)
USD 316,052 (2018 official advertising)
Market Share
Missing data
Further Information
Meta Data
Audience share data of the Metropolitan Area of Córdoba were provided by Kantar Ibope Media.
2018 official advertising data were provided by the Secretariat of Public Communications of the Argentinian Presidency’s Chief of Cabinet of Ministers.
Information from 2017 financial statements.
Espada, Agustín (2018). “La radio porteña y su estructura de propiedad: análisis de las políticas de comunicación y de la estructura de una industria analógica (1983–2016)”. En Revista Austral Comunicación, Vol. 7, Nº1. Universidad Austral, Buenos Aires.
Merkin, Marta, Panno, Juan, Tijman, Gabriela y Ulanovsky, Carlos (1995). Días de radio. Historia de la Radio Argentina. Buenos Aires, Espasa Calpe.