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Global Media Registry (GMR) & Association Tiempo Argentino - all rights reserved, published under Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
LOGO Tiempo Argentino
Global Media Registry

Radio Del Plata

In 1970 LS10 Radio Libertad became Radio Del Plata. Together with Rivadavia and Continental, they were the only three private radio stations that operated in Buenos Aires during the last military dictatorship (1976–1983). In 2003, when the radio was owned by Mexican group CIE, Marcelo Tinelli bought the radio station. However, in 2008 he sold it to Grupo Electroingeniería. Osvaldo Acosta and Gerardo Ferreyra are the directors of the business group from Córdoba, who specializes mainly in public works.

Between 2008 to 2015, Radio Del Plata received large amounts of money as official advertising, which conditioned the radio’s editorial line. Yet, after the change in the country’s administration in 2015 and a boom in audience levels in 2016 (the third most popular AM radio), the radio faces a serious economic crisis. Their owners, Grupo Electroingeniería, have kept their agreements with Argentina’s National State (in spite of the fact that both owners are in prison in 2019), but stop investing in the radio station. In 2017 the radio’s main figures left the company as salaries were not being paid; workers’ protests and strikes are frequent (as of 2015).

The radio has a mainly journalistic programming, like most of the AM radio stations surveyed. It features over 40 content affiliates across the country, even though there is no other radio station with such an ownership structure.


Key facts

Audience Share

Missing data

Ownership Type


Geographic Coverage


Content Type

Free content

Data Publicly Available

ownership data is easily available from other sources, e. g. public registries etc.

2 ♥

Media Companies / Groups

Grupo Electroingeniería


Ownership Structure

Radio Del Plata is Radiodifusora Del Plata S.A. It belongs to Grupo Electroingeniería through Grupo Empresario Argentino (GEASA), whose owners are Santiago Ferreyra and Santiago Acosta.

Individual Owner

Media Companies / Groups

General Information

Founding Year

1931 (Radio Casa América)

Affiliated Interests Founder

Juan Spinola, José Stahlberg and Luis Rigotti

They were the owners of a musical instrument shop; they decided to create their own radio station.

Affiliated Interests Ceo

Sebastián Ferreyra

Son of Gerardo Ferreyra, owner of Grupo Electroingeniería, together with Osvaldo Acosta. This group holds interests in public works, mainly construction projects related to energy extraction and supply.


Marcos Cittadini.


Gorriti 5963, city of Buenos Aires

TE: (54 011) 4556 9200


Financial Information

Revenue (in Mill. $)

Missing data

Operating Profit (in Mill. $)

Missing data

Advertising (in % of total funding)

USD 132,185 (2018 official advertising)

Market Share

Missing data

Further Information

Meta Data

There are no audience figures on Radio Del Plata, as the radio station does not hire the services of the only company that measures audience levels in Argentina. However, it is one of the six most popular AM radios in Buenos Aires.
2018 official advertising data were provided by the Secretariat of Public Communications of the Argentinian Presidency’s Chief of Cabinet of Ministers.


Espada, Agustín (2018). “La radio porteña y su estructura de propiedad: análisis de las políticas de comunicación y de la estructura de una industria analógica (1983–2016)”. En Revista Austral Comunicación, Vol. 7, Nº1. Universidad Austral, Buenos Aires.
Alfie, Alejandro (2015). Los agentes de Néstor y Cristina: los juegos de poder de Sergio Szpolski y Diego Gvirtz para multiplicar el relato oficial, acumular medios y millones, y otros oscuros negocios. Buenos Aires, Margen Izquierdo.
Becerra, Martín y Mastrini, Guillermo (2017). Medios en guerra: balance, crítica y desguace de las políticas de comunicación 2003-2016. Biblos, Buenos Aires.

  • Project by
    Logo Tiempo Argentino
    Global Media Registry
  • Funded by