Radio La Red

La Red is an AM radio station featuring the journalistic, commercial and administrative support of one of the most important multimedia groups in the country.
It has over 30 repeaters in different provinces. It belongs to Grupo América, which owns over 15 radio stations in the provinces of San Juan, Mendoza, Entre Ríos and Santa Fe.
From its very beginning, in 1991, when Carlos Menem privatized the licenses of the last State-owned radio stations, La Red had an informative format with a focus on the sport agenda. Time and a change in ownership caused the radio’s art transformation. The radio station now includes more news in its programming (politics, economy, show business). However, it keeps two successful sport programs, which help La Red to be the third most popular AM radio in 2017. Also, most of the radio programs are led by América TV hosts.
All the radio’s hosts are men, younger than the hosts of the competitors (between 40 and 50 years old). The midday and afternoon programs are the most popular, together with the broadcasting of soccer matches during weekends.
Audience Share
Ownership Type
Geographic Coverage
Content Type
Free content
Media Companies / Groups
Grupo América
Ownership Structure
Radio La Red is Red Celeste y Blanca Sociedad Anónima, made up of América Medios S.A. and Zarova S.A. It belongs to Grupo América. Its main shareholder is Daniel Vila, while José Luis Manzano and Claudio Belocopitt are minority shareholders.
Individual Owner
General Information
Founding Year
1922 (Radio Brusa)
Affiliated Interests Founder
The radio’s founder was a manufacturer of radio equipment who created the radio station as a way to promote the sale of radio receivers through content.
Affiliated Interests Ceo
Son of Daniel Vila, majority shareholder of Grupo América, the radio station’s owner.
Santiago Cantenys
Affiliated Interests other important people
General Manager of Radio La Red.
Angel Justiniano Carranza 1441, city of Buenos Aires
TE: (54 011) 5032 0400
Financial Information
Revenue (in Mill. $)
Operating Profit (in Mill. $)
Advertising (in % of total funding)
USD 412,129 (2018 official advertising)
Market Share
Missing data
Further Information
Meta Data
Audience share data of the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires were provided by Kantar Ibope Media.
2018 official advertising data were provided by the Secretariat of Public Communications of the Argentinian Presidency’s Chief of Cabinet of Ministers.
Information from 2016 financial statements.
Anguita, Eduardo (2002). Grandes hermanos: alianzas y negocios ocultos de los dueños de la información. Colihue, Buenos Aires.
Zunino, Edi (2013). Periodistas en el barro: Peleas, aprietes, traiciones y negocios. Sudamericana, Buenos Aires.
Espada, Agustín (2018). “La radio porteña y su estructura de propiedad: análisis de las políticas de comunicación y de la estructura de una industria analógica (1983–2016)”. En Revista Austral Comunicación, Vol. 7, Nº1. Universidad Austral, Buenos Aires.