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Global Media Registry (GMR) & Association Tiempo Argentino - all rights reserved, published under Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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Global Media Registry

Albavisión (Argentina)

Albavisión (Argentina)

The holding Grupo Albavisión is made up of 45 TV channels, 68 radio stations, one newspaper and 65 movie theaters in Latin America, according to its institutional website. These numbers are even higher considering that, in many cases, the group owns several licenses for each media. Moreover, last year, it obtained 12 digital TV licenses in Mexico.

Albavisión’s network covers Mexico, Guatemala, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Ecuador, Peru, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia and Argentina. All its media have formats, imported shows (especially soap operas) and regional news broadcasting in common.

In each country, the group’s media work under a different ownership structure. In fact, its owner, Mexican businessman Remigio Ángel González González, is known as “el Fantasma” (the Ghost) because of his habit of registering companies in the name of family members or representatives to bypass antitrust regulations. Thus, it is worth mentioning that the name Grupo Albavisión Argentina does not exist as such, but it is used to reveal the ownership structure el Fantasma has used in the country.

Grupo Albavisión started to operate in Argentina in 2007, when it purchased Canal 9 (Telearte S.A.) El Fantasma’s trusted man in Argentina – who is registered as the owner of his companies in this country – is Carlos Eduardo Loréfice Lynch, who, until that year, was a young, unknown attorney with no connections to the media industry.

In 2015 Albavisión merged its continental operations in the radio industry with those of Grupo PRISA, of transnational capitals. This merge involved acquiring 45% of radio stations Continental and Los 40 (FM 105.5)’s stock. This also entailed changes in the stations that no longer belonged to the Mexican mogul’s holding: RQP (FM 104.3), Mucha Radio (FM 97.1), Aspen (FM 102.3) and Arpeggio (FM 88.5).

In 2018 strong rumors circulated about Albavisión leaving the media it controls in Argentina. On June 28 2018, González was replaced in the board of directors of all media-controlling companies, although his separation as shareholder was never confirmed.

Key facts

Mother Company

Televideo Services Inc.

Business Form


Legal Form

Joint stock corporation

Business Sectors

Movie theater network


Individual Owner

Carlos Eduardo Loréfice Lynch

He represents Remigio Ángel González in Argentina. Lorefice Lynch started his career in the media as a majority shareholder and CEO of Telearte S.A and the group’s remaining media in the country. Before, he had been attorney at his uncle’s buffet, Santiago Lynch, and legal advisor of Telearte S.A. He also holds interests in the farming and real estate sectors.

Media Outlets
Other Media Outlets

Other TV Outlets

Canal 9

Other Radio Outlets

Radio Continental AM 590 (Buenos Aires)

Other Online Outlets


Media Business


Interacel Argentina S.R.L.


Real estate

Inversiones Bellevile S.A.


Finca Bellevile

Wine growing

Alba en los Andes S.A.


It owns 45 TV channels, 68 radio stations and a newspaper (Latin America)

Movie theaters

Albacinemas (Central America)

Food and dining

Linda B (United States)


Club Comunicaciones (Guatemala)


Sears (Guatemala)

General Information

Founding Year


Affiliated Interests Founder

Ángel Remigio González González He is an American businessman born in Mexico. Apart from the media of Grupo Albavisión, he owns several restaurants in the United States and Guatemala, as well as several real estate businesses and partnerships. He is known as “el Fantasma” (the Ghost), because of the modus operandi that he followed to expand his business: he registers companies in the name of family members, attorneys and representatives he trusts in, to bypass antitrust regulations.
His name appears in Panama Papers (confidential documents of an attorneys’ buffet in Panama, which were leaked to the world press) because of the purchase of offshore company Global Holding Properties Corporation, registered in the British Virgin Islands.
He is being investigated in the United States for corruption. His wife, Alba Elvira Lorenzana Cardona, has an international arrest warrant by Interpol for money laundering.


670 (Telearte S.A.)


2600 Southwest 3ed , Miami, Florida 33129, United States. Website: www.albavisió

TE: (1 305) 860 2036


Financial Information

Revenue (Financial Data/ Optional)

Missing data

Operating Profit (in Mill. $)

Missing data

Advertising (in % of total funding)

Missing data


Other Influential People

Alba Elvira Lorenzana Cardona

Wife in second wedlock of Remigio González and mother of his two daughters, shareholders of Grupo Albavisión. Alba was born in Guatemala and she is a controlling shareholder of all TV channels in that country, among other companies.

Further Information

Active Disguise

in addition to unavailability of true data, ownership is disguised, e. g. through bogus companies, etc.

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Becerra, M. Y Mastrini, G. (2009) Los monopolios de la verdad. Descifrando la estructura y concentración de los medios en Centroamérica y República Dominicana, Trust for Americas e Instituto Prensa y Sociedad, Prometeo, Buenos Aires

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    Global Media Registry
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