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Global Media Registry (GMR) & Association Tiempo Argentino - all rights reserved, published under Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
LOGO Tiempo Argentino
Global Media Registry

Acosta Family

Acosta Family

Osvaldo Acosta is one of the main shareholders of Grupo Eling, a holding that includes all Electroingeniería companies. He founded the company in 1977 together with other three people: his brother Juan Carlos and his fellow engineers Roberto Zamuner and José Arena.

Gerardo Ferreyra joined the company in the mid-1980s and contributed a wide portfolio of political connections that would prove useful to do business in the public works sector, first in the province of Córdoba, and later at a national level.

His children, Juan Carlos and Santiago, hold stock in Grupo Empresarial Argentino S.A. (GEASA). This company managed the media owned by Grupo Electroingeniería, a sector it started to explore in 2008 with the purchase of Radio Del Plata. Moreover, until 2018, the group owned FM Pulxo from Córdoba and TV channel 360 TV.

Grupo Electroingeniería is mainly focused on energy generation, distribution and maintenance activities. However, its operations started with the construction of schools and roads, and the group came to hold interests in various business sectors, from public transportation to wine growing. As part of its business growth in the 1990s, and even during the Kirchner's administrations (2003-2015), Electroingeniería partnered with some of the largest construction companies in Argentina (Techint, the Macri family, the Roggio family) and, in recent years, it financed some of the largest public works (hydroelectrical dams) in partnership with Chinese capitals (group Gezhouba).

As of 2015, it has also conducted very profitable business operations with Mauricio Macri’s administration.

As part of a case of corruption and bribery in the management of public works in different sectors in which the Kirchner’s administrations are involved, Osvaldo Acosta's case of bribery was dismissed due to lack of admissible evidence.

Media Companies / Groups
Media Outlets


Nuclear energy

Electroingeniería División Nuclear S.A. (Centrales Atucha and Embalse)

Wind energy

EISA (Parque Eólico Los Jagüeles)

Hydroelectrical dams

Represas Patagonia (Condor Cliff and La Barrancosa)




Thermal power stations

Electroingeniería S.A.

Industrial park

Parque Empresarial Aeropuerto S.A.

Power distribution

Intesar (Transener)

Water sanitation

Electroingeniería S.A.

Wine growing

Don Oreste

Family & Friends

Affiliated Interests Family Members Friends

Roberto Zamuner

He was the founder of Grupo Electroingeniería until the company demerged in 1997. At that moment, Zamuner created Electroingeniería ICS S.A., a company whose board and senior executives are not related to the holding owned by Acosta and Ferreyra. This company provides high voltage power generation and transportation services to different kinds of endeavors (fuels, power distribution, renewable energy generation, etc.).

Further Information

Data Publicly Available

ownership data is easily available from other sources, e. g. public registries etc.

2 ♥


Zunino, Edi (2009). Patria o medios: La loca guerra de los Kirchner por el control de la realidad. Sudamericana, Buenos Aires.

  • Project by
    Logo Tiempo Argentino
    Global Media Registry
  • Funded by