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Global Media Registry (GMR) & Association Tiempo Argentino - all rights reserved, published under Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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Global Media Registry

Argentinian State

Argentinian State

The Government is divided into three branches: a unipersonal Executive Power, a bicameral Legislative Power (Lower House and Upper House) and a Judicial Power, which is independent from the other two powers (as set forth in the country’s constitution).

The victory of right-wing coalition Cambiemos and Macri’s coming into power in 2015 marked a turning point in the binary political party system: the new president was a businessman with a short political career in the city of Buenos Aires and the heir of a family fortune (one of the fifty largest fortunes in Argentina according to Forbes) made in the car industry and through political agreements to carry out public works. For the first time in history, there was a president with no ties to the Unión Cívica Radical or the Partido Justicialista, who was also the product of a (new?) political party, Propuesta República (PRO).

Media Companies / Groups
Media Outlets


Educación; Economía; Seguridad; Salud; Desarrollo Social; Trabajo; Defensa; Turismo; Relaciones Exteriores; Obras Públicas; Transporte, Ciencia y Tecnología

Further Information

Active Transparency

company/channel informs proactively and comprehensively about its ownership, data is constantly updated and easily verifiable

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  • Project by
    Logo Tiempo Argentino
    Global Media Registry
  • Funded by