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Global Media Registry (GMR) & Association Tiempo Argentino - all rights reserved, published under Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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Global Media Registry

Benjamín Vijnovsky

Benjamín Vijnovsky

He managed Grupo Meller in the 1990s, when the group, which operated in the textile industry at the beginning, got involved in several privatizations and business operations with Carlos Menem’s administrations (gas and water companies, phonebooks for State-owned company ENTel, etc.).

The group started to operate in the media sector in 2002, when it purchased 42% of the company that bought TV channel Canal 9 in Buenos Aires, together with Daniel Hadad and Fernando Sokolowicz. The experience was short-lived, since less than a year later, both Vijnovsky and Sokolowicz left the company.

In 2016, together with Carlos Gorosito, he started to work in Radio Con Vos, managed by Martín Kweller (Kuarzo Entertainment). Through company Delta Marketing Líquido, he organizes advertising campaigns for the Government of the city of Buenos Aires. These are procured through the city’s outsourced waste collection companies, which must launch environmental advertising campaigns with 3% of the allocated budget. The firm also funded Mauricio Macri's presidential campaign.

In 2019 he partnered with Daniel Hadad (Infobae), Fernando Sokolowicz (former shareholder of Página 12 and Canal 9) and Carlos Gorosito to establish production company HSVG, which will produce content and documentaries for several platforms.

Media Companies / Groups
Media Outlets

Family & Friends

Affiliated Interests Family Members Friends

Martín Vijnovsky

His son is the Director of radio station Radio Con Vos and he owns a yerba mate commercialization company (Mate & Co).
In different press articles, he is said to have connections with high officials of Macri’s administration, such as José Torello, proxy of the President’s political party, and Rodríguez Larreta, Mayor of the city of Buenos Aires.

Further Information

Data Publicly Available

ownership data is easily available from other sources, e. g. public registries etc.

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Anguita, Eduardo (2002). Grandes hermanos: alianzas y negocios ocultos de los dueños de la información. Colihue, Buenos Aires.

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    Logo Tiempo Argentino
    Global Media Registry
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