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Global Media Registry (GMR) & Association Tiempo Argentino - all rights reserved, published under Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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Global Media Registry

Carlos Fabián De Sousa

Carlos Fabián De Sousa

He was an accountant and Manager of Cristóbal López’s companies until 2001, when Almería Austral was sold and he received a corporate bond. Cristóbal López himself offered De Sousa 30% of Oil MyS, an investment company. This is how De Sousa became a member of Grupo Indalo.

From that moment on, he has taken part in all of the group’s business activities, except for gambling. However, he began to play a more prominent role in 2011, with the purchase of media. He became President of Indalo Media and was responsible for fostering political relations to obtain and maintain those media. Among them was his connection to political group La Cámpora to editorially control media content.

Just like his partner Cristóbal López, he is currently in prison for tax evasion through oil company Oil Combustibles.

Media Companies / Groups
Media Outlets



Olivares del Sol

Plastic manufacturing

Alcalis de la Patagonia

Oil services and production

Petrolera Cerro Negro


Oil Construcciones


Los Notros

Cattle breeding

Ganadera Victoria

Car retail

Tsuyoi S.A.

Family & Friends

Affiliated Interests Family Members Friends

Osvaldo Sanfelice

Partner of the Kirchner family in a real estate endeavor, he used to own a farm house where Fabián De Sousa lived.

Further Information

Data Publicly Available

ownership data is easily available from other sources, e. g. public registries etc.

2 ♥


Becerra, Martín y Mastrini, Guillermo (2017). Medios en guerra: balance, crítica y desguace de las políticas de comunicación 2003-2016. Biblos, Buenos Aires.

  • Project by
    Logo Tiempo Argentino
    Global Media Registry
  • Funded by