Single Trade Union of Concierges (SUTERH)

It is the trade union representing residential concierges from the city of Buenos Aires. The union’s Secretary General is Víctor Santa María since 2005. He also presides over political party Partido Justicialista (Peronism) of the city of Buenos Aires. He started to operate in the media sector in 2005, when the magazine Caras y Caretas was relaunched. Santa María was the magazine’s Editor-In-Chief, while historian Felipe Pigna worked as Director. A year later, the Centro Cultural Caras y Caretas was established. In 2008 the group received the license for radio signal AM 750, strategically located between Radio Mitre and Radio 10, and two years later its programming was presented. The multimedia group became stronger when it purchased the newspaper Página 12 in 2016. In 2018 it also purchased other radio stations.
Universidad Metropolitana para la Educación y el Trabajo (UMET)
Instituto Superior Octubre (ISO)
Showbusiness and culture
Caras y Caretas 2037
Publishing house
Editorial Octubre
Family & Friends
Affiliated Interests Family Members Friends
He was SUTERH’s Secretary General between 1985 and 2005, when he was replaced by his son Víctor. He died in 2018.