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Global Media Registry (GMR) & Association Tiempo Argentino - all rights reserved, published under Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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Global Media Registry


MOM Team

MARTÍN BECERRA has a PhD in Information Science and a master’s degree in Communication Science from Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. He is Chief Researcher at Argentina’s National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET) and a Professor at Universidad Nacional de Quilmes (UNQ) and Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). He has written several books and papers on communication policies, media, and information and communication technologies (see Becerra is the Director of the research program “Industrias culturales y espacio público: comunicación y política en la Argentina” (Cultural industries and public space: communication and politics in Argentina) at the UNQ, and also leads other research projects.  He was Academic Secretary and Director of the Universidad Nacional de Quilmes’ Department of Social Science. He has also worked as a journalist at newspapers El Cronista and Extra, and has collaborated for magazines such as Humor, Crisis and Le Monde Diplomatique, and newspapers Perfil and LetraP, among others. Twitter account: @aracalacana

GERARDO ARANGUREN is a journalist specialized in politics and human rights. Currently, he works as editor at, Tiempo Argentino’s digital newspaper, and is the secretary of Por Más Tiempo, the cooperative that edits the newspaper. He is a member of the group of journalists Sin Fin, which,in cooperation with Memoria Abierta, presented the project “Las leyes de la dictadura” (The laws from dictatorship).

MARIANELA BOCANEGRA is a journalist specialized in tourism. She currently works as a freelancer. She has worked for several printed and audiovisual media in Argentina, and has collaborated for Punto Biz, Réport, Réport Américas, GATA Travel and La Nacion, among others. 

AGUSTÍN ESPADA is a doctoral candidate at CONICET. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Social Communication and a master’s degree in Cultural Industries from Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. He is currently pursuing his PhD in Social Science at Universidad de Buenos Aires. His research project focuses on the changes undergone by the radio industry in the context of digital convergence.

JAVIER BORELLI is a journalist with a bachelor’s degree in Communication Science from Universidad de Buenos Aires. He is currently the editor of the general information section of newspaper Tiempo Argentino and a member of the board of directors of the cooperative that edits the newspaper. He was also the cooperative’s first President between 2016 and 2018. He has worked for several radios and printed media in Argentina and Spain, collaborating in the international affairs, economy and society sections. He was awarded a Dag Hammarskjöld scholarship by the UN Correspondents Association in New York. He also attended the Iberis Course for young journalists in Madrid. He is a research trainee at University of Oxford’s Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism.

NUBE ÁLVAREZ is the regional project manager for the Reporters without Borders project Media Ownership Monitor in Latinamerica.She is a media researcher, freelance journalists and news coordinator with a focus on press freedom and media development. Álvarez has experience training up-and-coming journalists in programs that boost media skills. In her M.A International Media Studies’ thesis, Ms. Álvarez examined the experiences of Mexican journalists in exile and displacement with the aim to reflect on the phenomena of violence against press and its implications in press freedom.

OLAF STEENFADT heads the "Media Ownership Monitor" project and the "Journalism Trust Initiative" at the press freedom watchdog Reporters Without Borders, RSF. For many years, he has been engaged as a consultant and coach in media development cooperation. Mandates of international organizations and NGOs lead him primarily to Southeast Europe and the Arab world. He previously worked for national German public broadcasters ARD and ZDF in various roles, including as a radio and TV presenter, investigative reporter, domestic and foreign correspondent, as well as in format development and corporate communication. Olaf is a member of the "High-level Expert Group on Fake News and Online Disinformation" of the European Commission and of the "Committee of Experts on Quality of Journalism in the Digital Age" at the Council of Europe. He teaches frequently at universities in Germany and Europe.

Tiempo Argentino

Tiempo Argentino is a print outlet written by around 100 journalists who decided to create a cooperative to recover the newspaper where they used to work, which had been suddenly closed by its owners in February 2016. It reopened as a self-managed media with a print version on Sundays and a digital newspaper from Mondays to Saturdays. It developed a business model based on the contributions made by its readers, who provide 70% of the revenues.This allows for its journalists to retain indepedence.

Since 2016, Tiempo Argentino is a member of the UNESCO Crossings Institute, an institution created by the UN and the University of Oregon to promote a quality news coverage in war zones. Its journalistic work has been recognized by several organizations. It has received the Lola Mora award, which honors journalists and media outlets that promote gender equality. As part of its promotion of self-managed journalism, in 2018 Tiempo Argentino organized the First National Meeting of Recovered Newspapers, during which the National Network of Recovered Newspapers was created. The network is currently composed of 11 media cooperatives.

Reporters Without Borders

Reporters Without Borders (Reporter Sans Frontières, RSF) was founded in Montpellier (France) in 1985 by four journalists. It is is registered in France as a non-profit organization and has consultant status at the United Nations and UNESCO. RSF advocates for media freedom, supports independent media and protects endangered journalists worldwide. Its missions are

- To continuously monitor attacks on freedom of information worldwide;

- To denounce any such attacks in the media;

- To act in cooperation with governments to fight censorship and laws aimed at restricting freedom of information;

- To morally and financially assist persecuted journalists, as well as their families.

- To offer material assistance to war correspondents in order to enhance their safety.

Since 1994, the German section is active in Berlin. Although the German section works closely with the International Secretariat in Paris to research and evaluate media freedom worldwide, it is organizationally and financially independent. In that role, it has applied for a grant at the federal German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development – in order to finance the Media Ownership Monitor project.

Global Media Registry

The Global Media Registry (GMR) collects, compiles and provides – either publicly available or self-reported – datasets and contextual information on media outlets around the world.

In doing so, the objective is to enhance transparency, accountability and responsibility in the information space. Thus, the GMR facilitates better choices and decision making, both algorithmic and human, of all stakeholders. These may include every citizen and consumer, regulators and donors, as well as the private sector – for example advertisers and intermediaries (a. k. a. platforms and distributors).

By providing this public service as a social enterprise, the Global Media Registry contributes to the advancement of the freedoms of information and expression at large.

It was founded as a spin-off from the Media Ownership Monitor project, which it now operates as a non-for-profit LLC registered under German law.

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